La Mano del Mono, Winner of 2022 ATWS Fellowship in Switzerland

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The Monkey's Hand

Today we celebrate being one of three scholarship recipients. ATWS to be held for the first time in Lugano, Switzerland. Undoubtedly a step that recognizes the efforts in innovation to conserve natural environments through tourism.

Topics addressed for implementation included economic impact within local communities, innovation to conserve the natural environment and cultural heritage, climate action, and efforts towards diversity and inclusion.

The scholarship is sponsored by Visit Sweden where La Mano del Mono, receives a one-year Membership in the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA), an invitation to the 2022 World Adventure Travel Summit, travel allowance and access to ATTA's online courses in Business and Risk Management.

It is worth noting that La Mano del Mono has been a member of ATTA since 2015, and our alliance coordinator Mauricio Miramontes is also an ambassador: "I am very honored to receive the scholarship to participate in the Adventure Travel World Summit 2022 in Lugano, Switzerland.". I am committed to making the best of it, sharing my experiences and learning from many others, to continue to gather 'local hands' to create the 'global changes' that our planet and people need," he said.

La Mano del Mono, recognizes the effort to protect both the environment and cultural heritage. As such, we support conservation efforts in biosphere reserves that are led by indigenous communities, as well as support the design of public policies for best practices in adventure travel in Mexico, with a focus on carrying capacity and the creation of a framework for sustainable tourism.

"Because we are working hard to address some of the greatest challenges of our generation, such as biodiversity loss, climate change and mass migration from rural areas, while continuing to enjoy our incredible natural areas, surrounded by good people." Expressed, Mauricio Miramontes.

"I am sure that magic is happening right now," he added, "not only within ourselves and our companies, but we are also a powerful spark to make magic happen in our society. Let's continue together to enjoy, appreciate and walk together because, fortunately, the horizon will continue to move forward."

At La Mano del Mono, we are grateful for this opportunity to share the actions that our sector is doing in Mexico and LATAM in terms of Inclusion, Climate Change and Biodiversity, as well as to learn from many others on this same path.

Thanks to our allies for joining Local Hands, creating Global Change through nature tourism.