Conservation strengthened by market dynamics? La Mano del Mono joins Kinship Fellowship.

viviana vasque duque
Viviana Vasquez

Imagine if electricity were free and guaranteed for everyone for the next 100 years. Would we use more or less energy? Experience shows that that which is not valued, is overused, scarce and may be finished. How would the institutions that generate energy be sustained? What would happen to the people who need energy and after a few years cannot get it? Well, this is happening to nature. The value of nature is practically invisible in our economy. How do we sustain it? How do we regenerate it? How do we make it visible and integrate it into our economy to sustain and regenerate it? This is the question that triggers Kinship Fellowship to attract specialists and leaders from around the world working in nature conservation with market-based strategies. Leaders from Zambia, Kenya, New Zealand, South Africa, Ethiopia, Brazil, Mexico working together in carbon, forestry, water, waste and tourism sectors to answer the same question. 

Kinship Conservation Fellowship a new platform to drive collaborative leadership in La Mano del Mono. 

"Kinship Conservation Fellowship" is an international program designed to empower conservation professionals from around the world by providing them with new skills, knowledge and analytical tools to accelerate the projects they lead in their respective countries using financial and market dynamics. For one month, this group of professionals have the opportunity to immerse themselves in nature conservation financing solutions based on adaptive leadership, designed to scale, with collaborative governance, connected to markets, and with measurable impact. 

In this challenging context, we at La Mano del Mono are honored to have been selected to represent the tourism sector in Mexico to leverage tourism as a market force to finance the management and conservation of natural areas and the needs of their local communities for the benefit of all their users. 

During the program, participants engage in interactive discussions, systems thinking exercises and peer learning sessions. These activities allow them to explore inspiring stories and innovative solutions to complex challenges, which they can then apply directly in their own countries. The faculty, comprised of global experts, provides close, personalized guidance, working closely with each fellow to discover new ways to apply market-based approaches to environmental problems.

For La Mano del Mono, this opportunity represents a unique opportunity to expand our knowledge and skills in market-based solutions (tourism) to finance the conservation and regeneration of natural areas (public, private or community) and the well-being of their local communities (indigenous, rural or urban). This will allow us to address the challenges in Mexico and Latin America from a more comprehensive and effective perspective. In addition, Kinship Fellowship provides us with the opportunity to network with professionals, innovators and leaders from around the world who share their expertise in finance, impact investing and conservation. 

The global network of Kinship Conservation Fellowship has 314 alumni in 58 countries and 7 continents, providing our organization with a valuable community of support. This network not only allows for the exchange of knowledge, but also fosters collaboration in the implementation of conservation projects.
We appreciate your confidence in our team to participate in this prestigious program. Kinship Conservation Fellowship. Undoubtedly, it is a great boost for La Mano del Mono in its commitment to create systemic changes so that tourism contributes directly to the conservation of natural areas and the well-being of local communities.